
I never thought of starting a warm farm until I started weeding my backyard. I had a drainage system that was laid with plastic. We have several dogs and they love to dig. Slowly but surely the drainage area was layered with 2 to 4 inches of dirt. Well, weeds (long grass) covered the whole area. I started pulling weeds (which was very easy due to the shallow dirt and plastic) and I found over 300 worms in a 3 sq. ft area. So I decided to research farming in an old worm farm container my better half had bought several years ago. This container has no holes in the bottom. Does this container need holes in the bottom if I am not raising the worms for compost? How many worms can be put in a standard container as shown in your video?

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Apr 20, 2011
Storing worms in a container
by: Pauly

Hey Glen,
This really depends on what purpose you are using the bin for. Are you storing your worms? I am assuming you are since you are not raising them. It also depends on what worm you are putting in this bin. If you have found composting worms then they will store in any container just fine as long as the temps are between 36-85 degrees F. Generally.

You must also keep them in a bedding such as peat moss or coco coir. this allows air to circulate and oxygen to reach the worms. Keep the bedding moist not wet and out of the sun.

You do not need drainage holes in the bottom if you are only storing them for a short period. You should have some holes on top or sides to allow oxygen to penetrate or lift the lid and stir things up a bit to allow the bedding to breathe once a day.

This should work for other worms as well but only for a short period. They will not last long out of their environment.

Hope this helps Glen :)

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