Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and Worm Farming

by Paul
(Sacramento, CA)

I was wondering if there was any known effect on vermiculture worms? I haven't yet found any information, and was specifically interested in it's effects on newly hatched worms.

Thanks for the great article.


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Jun 12, 2015
the effects of diatomaceous earth and worms
by: Pauly

Hi Paul,

Thanks for writing. I'm not sure which page you landed on but there is a box on all of my diatomaceous earth pages that has a link two different topics concerning diatomaceous earth.

The first page talks about what diatomaceous earth is and also how to use it in the worm bin. below is a link that will take you to that page.

The very short answer to your question is no. Diatomaceous Earth will not harm worms as they are a soft-bodied creature.

It adds nutrition in the form of minerals and also aids in digestion in the form of grit for the worms gizzard :)


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