Are herbal and fruit infusion bags ok for worm farms?

by Ron Downs
(Queensland Australia)

We all know worms love teabags (Camellia sinensis) but what about herbal and fruit infusion bags such as camomile and spiced apple, lemon and ginger, mango and strawberry or orange and cinnamon? I can't find any information on this.

I don't normally put citrus or spices in the worm farm. Would these infusions have any detrimental effects?

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Jul 19, 2023
Are herbal and fruit infusion bags ok for worm farms?
by: Pauly

Hello Ron,

I understand your concern and the best answer I can give you is two-fold.

1. If it comes from the ground, make it brown (most of the time).

2. If it comes from the ground but it's some things that are questionable, such as citrus and spicy, place those "food" sources (only one handful) under the bedding or worm castings as a test.

See how the worms adjust to it. If they take to it quickly after a week, then chances are you've got some good food.

If they avoid it at all cost, take it back out or wait till it has neutralized. They may like it after it is stable enough for ingestion. However, this may impede the process by waiting for it to neutralize too many times.

There are many better natural sources to use.

Thanks for the question. Keep us updated,
Pauly Piccirillo

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Jul 20, 2023
Thank You Pauly NEW
by: Ron Downs

So basically you are saying anything they will eat is not going to hurt them?

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